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Tag Archives: food

How does honey help your skin?

Natural sweet honey has many benefits. Honey consists of glucose, fructose, beeswax, albuminoids.Pollen and small amounts of estrogen are use as ingredients in everyday cosmetics. Honey is a thick liquid that bees produce from the nectar of flowers. It is commonly use as a food

Jet lag protection.

Jet Lag is a type of illness related to sleep disorders. This occurs temporarily from flying across world time zones and the body is still unable to adjust to the new time zone. Causing symptoms such as insomnia or sleeping too much. Tired during the day Lack of

Taking the hormone melatonin.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the body from the pineal gland in the brain. Performs functions related to the processes of falling asleep and waking up. Which is an important part of adjusting the body’s biological clock Taking the hormone melatonin may help normalize