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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Thyroid disease that you should know.

Thyroid disease: The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located at the front of the neck. Its function is to produce thyroid hormones, which are important for the body’s energy metabolism. It is also involv in growth. It also controls heart rate, body temperature, and affects the

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome causes and risk factors.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or CTS for short, is a disease that is commonly found in people age 30 years and over. It is often found in working-age people who use their hands a lot in their work. Such as driving for long periods of time,

Sinusitis is a bothersome ailment that can be treated.

I believe that many people are familiar with the name sinusitis. Many people may think that it is a distant disease, but in fact, it can happen to anyone and can happen at any time, no matter what season it is. Sinuses are air-filled cavities

Chronic cough is more dangerous than you think.

Chronic cough is more dangerous than you think. Coughing Coughing is a mechanism of protection of the respiratory system from harm or harm because normally, people breathe air into the body through pain, approximately 8,000 – 12,000 liters per day. But it depends on the

Stress in the stomach Diseases that working people careful of

Stress in the stomach Diseases that working people careful of How can stress get into the stomach ? Stress can happen to anyone. If you are concerned about various matters in your daily life. Whether it’s studying, work, or even love. which is the accumulated stress

What is diabetes and how dangerous is it?

What is diabetes and how dangerous is it? Diabetes, or whose name in English is Diabetes Mellitus: DM, is considered one of the diseases that cannot be chronically transmitted or is a condition in which our body Have very high blood sugar or have high

Warm water VS cold water, which is better?

Warm water VS cold water, which is better? Some people like to take a warm bath to feel relaxed. Or some people like to shower with cold water to feel refreshed. which bathing in Each type of temperature They all have different health effects. Bathing

Jet lag protection.

Jet Lag is a type of illness related to sleep disorders. This occurs temporarily from flying across world time zones and the body is still unable to adjust to the new time zone. Causing symptoms such as insomnia or sleeping too much. Tired during the day Lack of

Taking the hormone melatonin.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the body from the pineal gland in the brain. Performs functions related to the processes of falling asleep and waking up. Which is an important part of adjusting the body’s biological clock Taking the hormone melatonin may help normalize